Friday, April 26, 2024

Verona Day 4

A shorter day today picture wise as we were meeting up with friends for lunch,

As the weather was good we got the funicular to the Castel San Pietro for some spectacular views of the city,

As I hadn't been to the Roman Theatre I had a nose.

Then back to town for a long lunch.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Verona Day 3

Romulus and Remus suckling from the wolf at the end of the street I'm staying at

And so the arena. The 4th largest amphitheatre in Italy I believe. It is now home to Opera in the summer.

These steps could tell a story.

It is liberation day. So lots of people and celebrations 

We wandered to the river.

Back to the piazza bra for a nice lunch.

The church by the Scaligeri monuments hadn't been open so we popped into Santa Maria Antica,

A good day.

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