Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Questioned by Kate

I am at a loss what to blog today. I am most definitely not posting my daft email so there Nic.

Luckily Kate has asked some questions!!

1) What were you doing when you heard that Margaret Thatcher had resigned and did you do a happy dance?
Uhm curiously I was more happy when Archer resigned. I was at Antony House in Cornwall. I walked to my car turned the radio on and went YES!! I never voted for Thatcher but I guess she was a necessary evil.

2) Do you pay for things using the exact money or plastic, or do you end up with a ton of small change?
Mostly plastic but rarely exact money. Lose change usually goes in a Church box or the like.

3) Were you a part of an 80s teen sub-culture, or were you far too individual for such nonsense?
I was far too old.

4) If Captain Scarlett was indescructable can you explain why he finished every episode in a hospital bed?
Needed to regenerate I guess.

5) Had you ever heard of Barry Scott before he began to advertise that 'bang and the dirt is gone' stuff?
who is Barry Scott.


Unknown said...

"who is Barry Scott."

Exactly! And why does he introduce himself in a tone that suggests thousands of people are sitting at home nodding and saying 'oh look, it's Barry Scott'

Anonymous said...

I was digging a pond when I heard the news about Thatcher.

I'm not sure that I'd describe her as "a necessary evil". That's a bit like describing dysentery as "a necessary disease".

The Quacks of Life said...

well I think some of the changes she made were necessary.

The unions had themselves to blame.

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